GM First Responder


Saving Lives Deserves a First-Rate Reward

We know you’re not in it for the recognition, and that just makes you all the more deserving. And because you put so much on the line when you go to work, we’ve created a discount to be there for you when you need it. The First Responder Discount gives Firefighters, Police, EMTs, Paramedics, and 911 Dispatchers special pricing below the invoice on new Chevrolet vehicles. Combine this discount with most current offers to save even more.

It’s our way of saying thanks for service that makes all the difference.

Who is eligible for the First Responder Discount?

This Limited Time Discount for New Chevrolet Models is Available to the following: paid or volunteer Firefighters, Police — including Police Officers, Sheriffs, and Sheriff’s Deputies, Correctional Officers, State Troopers and Federal Law Enforcement Officers — EMTs/Paramedics and 911 Dispatchers.

Which vehicles are eligible for the GM First Responder Discount?

Many new and unused 2020 and 2021 Chevrolet cars, SUVs, crossovers, midsize, light-duty, and HD pickup trucks, and passenger and cargo vans are eligible.

Please see dealer for full details and to verify your qualifications and necessary documents for purchase. Please call (434) 688-0205.

From all of us here at Robert Woodall Cadillac thank you for your service and being on the front-lines of this pandemic.